Posada El Cuadrante | Santa María de Lebeña.Cantabrian
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17 Abr Santa María de Lebeña.Cantabrian

This is a Mozarab church. The Mozarabs were Christians who lived under Mulin rule but kept their religion. Their architecture was of course influenced by that of the Muslims, and this can be seen in the horseshoe arches of the church. This particular church was built in 925 by Alfonso, Count of Lebeña, although it has many later additions such as the portico and the tower from the 19th century. Alfonso wished to move the mortal remains of Santo Toribio must have preferred the monastery of the same name and he blinded Alfonso until the count gave up and built the church in repentance for his actions.

It is worth nothing the yew tree, said to be over one thousand years old . These trees were considered to have magical qualities by the Cantabrian tribes and were used in their rites. They were said to have preferred to commit suicide by swallowing its poisonous sap, rather than surrender to the enemy